
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

'I'm still going': Olympian Sarah Walker commits to Rio despite Zika fears

CIFP, which was founded by UNESCO and a group of worldwide sports governing bodies in 1963 with the goal of promoting of good sporting conduct around the world, has launched its Rio 2016 Fair Play Awards in partnership with the global Olympic Committee (IOC).

The WHO, which declared Thursday that the Zika virus was "spreading explosively", will hold an emergency meeting of independent experts Monday to decide if the outbreak should be declared an global health emergency. Chan said although there was no definitive proof that Zika was responsible for a spike in the number of babies being born with abnormally small heads in Brazil, "the level of alarm is extremely high".

For those who don't know, Zika is a mosquitos-borne virus that is said to cause flu-like symptoms and a rash in those infected.

An Aedes aegypti mosquito that can transmit the Zika virus.

"Following the recently updated DFAT guidelines, any team members who are pregnant at the time of the Games need to consider the risks very carefully before deciding whether to proceed with travel to Brazil".

The Olympics open on August 5 and close on August 21.

At this point, both Russian and Australian officials have already raised fears for those women preparing to compete in the Games, while numerous airlines around the world are now offering pregnant women the chance to swap or refund their tickets to avoid traveling to affected areas - of which Brazil is the worst.

He added that teams were reviewing Olympic venues daily to eliminate problems like stagnant water where mosquitoes can breed.

The torch for both summer and winter Olympics is traditionally lit using a parabolic mirror and the sun's rays at a ceremony in Olympia, the site of the ancient Olympics, with the first torchbearer starting out from the stadium. Sailors have complained angrily about competing in the city's sewage-infested bay. "This is only the latest bad news for the Games, which have already seen huge budget cuts because of the economic crisis in Brazil".

Vitaly Mutko, the Russian sports minister, said his country was "employing all protective measures" to assist their athletes.

Earlier Thursday, the head of the World Health Organization said anxiety over the spread of Zika was growing. "The Olympics is about families".

Prosecutor smells crime, charges utility for huge gas leakBoxer stood by a dramatic infrared photo that showed the otherwise invisible plume of methane-laced natural gas from the blowout. SoCalGas began drilling a relief well to stop the leak on December 4, and said the process should be complete by late February.

Source: 'I'm still going': Olympian Sarah Walker commits to Rio despite Zika fears

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