
Friday, December 30, 2016

A New Year with New Rules

Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account."— Oscar Wilde

As we enter year seven of this blog, I would like to say a big thank you to all my friends from Twitter, Google+ and Instagram who visit this blog, as well as other readers who get to Saving the World, One Pixel @ a Time from other sources. Thanks to all of you because without your support there would be no blog. I also appreciate your supporting as well the sponsors on the right-hand side of the page. If you are in need of any of the products and services these sponsors offer I'd appreciate your taking a look at their offerings before making a purchase decision. All of these companies are ones I've personally worked with over the years and actively use their products and services and know they will treat you with respect as a customer.

What's coming in 2017?

  • Podcasts: I  dropped the ball on my planned series of podcasts but I still want to start a series of Podcasts to include interviews with photographers about how they became the shooter that they are. As was the case in this year's podcast with Skip Cohen, I'll also be appearing on other podcasts during the year and if you're following me on Twitter or Instagram, you'll know when and where.
  • Photo Walks: As soon as the weather warms up a bit I'll kickstart a new series of Photo Walks. The first one will be in Parker, Colorado and include a stroll down Victorian Place as well as a walk around O'Brien Park. All photo walks will be approximately an hour long and will be free. Look for announcement of dates here and on Facebook and Twitter as well as here on the blog.
  • Meet & Greets: In the past we've had Coffee & Camera events and I would like to have another series in 2017. I would also like to hold them at different locations in the greater Denver Metropolitan area. If you have any suggestions on locations, please click the CONTACT button and let me know. Look for announcement of dates here and on Instagram, Google + and Twitter.
  • All this is just the beginning and I'll be rolling out new ideas and new blog themes all year. Over at JoeFaraceShootsCars, my automobile photography blog is going to have lots of new content including guest posts from outstanding car photographers such as our Senior Travel Correspondent, John Larsen.

    IR.bookMy book, "The Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography," is out-of-print but used copies are available from Amazon at affordable prices. Creative Digital Monochrome Effects has a chapter on IR photography and is available from Amazon at an affordable price with used copies available at a giveaway—less than a buck— price. Pick up inexpensive copies of these books for your favorite photographer or yourself.


    Source: A New Year with New Rules

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