
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Time is Running Out on Portfolio/Website Reviews

For the past several year's I've been offering portfolio reviews for readers of this blog during the holidays—with a charitable twist. From today until December 19'th I'll be offering face-to-face portfolio/website reviews for photographers in the Denver and Colorado Springs areas with the $35 fee going directly to a charity.

In this case, it will be the Denver Rescue Mission, a non-denominational Christian mission founded in 1892, to help them feed the homeless during the holidays. Denver Rescue Mission meets the needs of those experiencing poverty and homelessness through emergency services, community outreach, long-term rehabilitation programs, transitional programs, and assistance for permanent housing. Your check will be made payable to them, not me, so you also get the charitable tax write-off.

Reviews will be held at the Starbucks located near the intersection of Lincoln & Oswego that's just East of I-25 and south of the Denver Tech Center. The Starbucks' official address is 9854 Zenith Meridian Drive, Unit C and their phone number is 303.662.9499 if you want to call for directions or just click for map. Note this is a new location.

The one-hour portfolio reviews will be by appointment only. To reserve your time, click the CONTACT button at the top of this blog and send me a message suggesting a few times and dates that are convenient for you and I'll get back to you to schedule your face-to-face portfolio review. In the past, these reviews have helped feed dozens of people in need. This year, with your participation, my goal is to help hundreds.

IR.bookIf you can't make it to one of these review, consider purchasing one of my books that Amazon has at bargain prices right now. My book, "The Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography," is out-of-print but used copies are available from Amazon at most affordable prices. Creative Digital Monochrome Effects has a chapter on IR photography and is available from Amazon at an affordable price with used copies available at a giveaway—less than a buck— price. Pick up inexpensive copies of these books for your favorite photographer as a Holiday gift.


Source: Time is Running Out on Portfolio/Website Reviews

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