
Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Cinematic Infrared Timelapse Based on the Dramatic Beauty of Salzburg

6/22/2017 ISO 1200 Magazine 0 Comments

Inspired by the moody B&W long exposure photography using ND filters (usually of architecture), I really wanted to capture this kind of dark aesthetic, but in timelapse motion. However, this style of photography requires an intense level of post-production on a single image using hundreds of luminosity masks – so I decided to see if I could achieve a similar look & feel through infrared photography. I converted a Sony A6300 with a 830 NM filter through (who I really recommend btw). converted infrared Sony A6300

Probably much to the dismay of timelapse purists, I prefer to shoot 4k video and simply speed it up in post. I'm just trying to speed up all my workflows and increase my creative output, and I've found this to be the quickest workflow.

Apart from that, it's really just a matter of weather, waiting for the right clouds & light, and finding the right spot!

Thanks for your help Matt.

About Matt Rycroft: Hi, I'm Matt Rycroft. I'm a filmmaker & content creator based in Salzburg, Austria. I'm fascinated by all things film & photography – please feel free to get in touch with any questions or queries.  Let's Get Connected: 

Text, image and video via Matthew Rycroft

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Source: A Cinematic Infrared Timelapse Based on the Dramatic Beauty of Salzburg

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