
Monday, June 22, 2015

Fire in Olympics grows to 600 acres, moving through treetops

With flames traveling from treetop to treetop, the Paradise Fire in the Olympic National Park grew Sunday to about 600 acres, becoming more intense and difficult to contain.

Smoke could be seen from Port Angeles, more than 30 miles away, said Diane Abendroth, an information officer for the Paradise Fire management team.

Authorities are finding it difficult to determine the exact size of the fire because the forest is loaded with heavy fuels.

"There's so much smoke," Abendroth said.

The team will take aerial infrared photos Monday evening to determine a more accurate size.

The fire has moved into steep, inaccessible terrain and smoke jumps were called off over the weekend.

"They can't operate there," Abendroth said. "They achieved what we brought them in here to do: To wrap up … flat areas to keep the fire spreading down the valley."

Eighteen firefighters and two helicopters are working to manage the fire. More resources have been called in to help.

The team managing the fire expects it to increase in size and complexity.

"We are expecting a heat wave. We are nervous about what that could bring," Abendroth said. A dry air mass and ridge-top winds of between 15-20 mph contributed to an increase in the fire's intensity Sunday evening.

Through Wednesday, the forecast looks relatively mild, said Andy Haner, a fire-weather meteorologist at the National Weather Service. But later this week, it will be hot and dry, he said.

"By Friday, the sun will be out in full force where the fire's at. Temperatures will start to heat up," Haner said. "By Saturday, out where the fire is it could be 90 (degrees Fahrenheit) or a little higher."

  Thousands of Yakima basin farmers will be short of water this summer, in a year marked by a stunning lack of snow to feed a river that sustains crops worth more than $2 billion annually. Read more. (Steve Ringman & Lauren Frohne / The Seattle Times)    

Haner expects little cloud cover later this weekend on the peninsula, but said wind shouldn't be too problematic for firefighters.

Experts across the state are concerned about dry conditions this season and the snowpack is gone. Nationwide, wildfires are growing larger and becoming more volatile.

It's the driest year since 1951 on the Olympic Peninsula, according to the fire management team. In 1951, the Great Forks Fire traveled nearly 18 miles in a single day and nearly destroyed the town that gave the fire its name. More than 30,000 acres were burned.

News reports from 1951 described streams of sirens, "sparks and embers raining through the air," and ash filling "eyes, hair, ears and mouths and coating everything with a fine powdery cover."

"The sky has been so dark with smoke that no one can tell when daytime ended and night began," wrote the Port Angeles Evening News after the fire had been extinguished.

Despite an evacuation order, some Forks residents stayed to fight the fire, which helped spare the town.

Fire weather across the state

The Department of Natural Resources announced a burn ban for all state-protected lands Monday, and the forecast across the state this week looks problematic for wildfires.

"This weekend will be the first real test for fire season," Haner said. "Out in Eastern Washington this coming weekend, especially when you get out to Sunday and Monday, they're looking at triple digit temperatures well in excess of 100."

Haner said there's a possibility that storms with lightning could roll through the state early next week.

"In a normal year, a lightning outbreak in the last few days of June wouldn't concern me that much. This year, it's a concern," said Haner.

Thunder Creek fire

In North Cascades National Park, the Thunder Creek Fire that has burned 103 acres is 60 percent contained.

"For safety of hikers and everyone else, trail closures are in effect," said Katy Hooper, a public-information officer for the group managing that fire.

Source: Fire in Olympics grows to 600 acres, moving through treetops

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