
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

IR reader in Florida wins $500 gift card in B&H Photo sweepstakes! Could you be the next lucky winner?

by Mike Tomkins

posted Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 8:40 AM EDT

Are you shopping for a new camera, or some photographic equipment to accompany your existing one? If so, would you like to have some extra cash for your next purchase? Imaging Resource reader Louis Christou of Clearwater, Florida managed just that last month, pocketing $500 from IR affiliate B&H Photo Video.

Since the launch of this exclusive sweepstakes last November (it's only offered to IR readers), B&H has been awarding a $500 gift card to one lucky winner each month, and it could hardly be simpler to enter. Just click through one of the affiliate links that help support our site, make your purchase on that same visit, and you'll automatically be entered to win! That's all Louis did when he made his purchase last February, and now his photo budget is $500 bigger because of it :-)

Louis' prize makes him the fourth IR reader to score a $500 gift card thus far. Previous winners were:

  • November: Anatoli Malyguine of Derwood, Maryland
  • December: Richard Olivier of New Orleans, Louisiana
  • January: Tyler Vits of San Diego, California
  • If you are shopping now (or come back to our site when you're ready to make your next photo gear purchase), you could be the next person to win $500 just for buying from B&H through one of our affiliate links! Want to know more about the sweepstakes? You'll find full rules in our original post announcing the contest.

    B&H has great prices and a well-earned reputation for excellent customer service; it's our own go-to gear source, where we've bought much of the photo equipment laying around our lab and offices.

    So what are you waiting for? Make your next purchase at B&H, and be automatically entered in the IR/B&H April sweepstakes!

    Every purchase you make through one of our affiliate helps support your favorite photo site, while costing you not a penny more!

    Source: IR reader in Florida wins $500 gift card in B&H Photo sweepstakes! Could you be the next lucky winner?

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