
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Chasing Storms: Thunderhead Over The Cornfield

Thunderhead Over The Corn Field

Thunderhead Over The Corn Field

I'm finding my focus in my Infrared Photography, I take the shot, convert it to black and white and I am drawn to the grainy quality of the photograph, I don't want to lose it,it has a timeless, emotional look to me. Today, I went out chasing a rumbling thunderstorm I could hear from miles away and I caught up with it breaking over a corn field.

A beautiful thing to see, the sky was just alive, and to the left, I could see the rain breaking out of the sky.

Someone wrote to me this morning complaining about the IR photographs, she just likes color photos of the farm and the animals, I ignored the message. The writer said she admired my creativity, but just wanted the color photographs. I thought of writing her back and saying creativity is all about exploration and experimentation and a wiliingness to make mistakes. If I'm not willing to do that, I can never learn or grow.

Sometimes I think I'm like Donald Trump in that I sometimes feel I need to respond to messages like that, but I am not like Donald Trump, I don't revel in my mistakes, I love to learn from mine.

I didn't reply.  I am very fond of this photography, and of the process of learning and evolving. I'm sorry people send messages like that, I have enough creative ego by now to keep moving forward, but people can easily be shut down by thoughtless comments. My message is to keep on,  eventually we get to a good place. I am getting close to mine.

Source: Chasing Storms: Thunderhead Over The Cornfield

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