
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Infrared in the Desert

Posted on Mar 14, 2017 in Featured, Monochrome, Panasonic

Today's Post by Mark Toal

It's been a long, rainy winter in the Northwest this year so I haven't been able to use my Infrared camera as much as I would have liked. Infrared photography is easiest when there are white puffy clouds against a blue sky and fairly bright light. The middle of the day is perfect for infrared photography so a recent trip to Tucson was a perfect time to pack my converted Panasonic Lumix GX7 with the Lumix G Vario Lens, 7-14mm f/4.0 ASPH lens.

A lot infrared photograph's focus on the way trees and greenery turn white as in the photo of the palm trees. If you avoid trees, grass plants you can get an image that looks a lot like standard black and white, but the sky will be much more dramatic as in the photo of the Mission in Tucson.

If you have a camera that you're not using much send it to to be converted to infrared. Trust me you won't regret it. And for a limited time only, if you want to save $50 off for Priority Processing Upgrade when converting your camera to infrared, use the coupon code "ToalIR."

IR.bookJoe's book, The Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography is currently out-of-print but used copies are available from Amazon for under $6. Creative Digital Monochrome Effects has a chapter on IR photography and is available from Amazon with new copies under $6 and used copies less than five bucks. You can buy'em both for less than $12.

Coming Attractions: On Friday, Joe takes on the topic of shooting infrared when the weather isn't cooperative, with a solution that closer to home.

Source: Infrared in the Desert

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