
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

City Council recognizes Arts and Humanities contest winners

This year's winners for the Rowlett Arts and Humanities Commission's photography contest were announced during the presentation portion of Tuesday night's City Council meeting.

First place in each category received $150 and Best of Show received $200; ribbons were presented to second and third place winners and honorable mentions. This year's theme was Rowlett Strong.

First place winners were Jim Elledge in the People category with a photo of the Citizens Fire Academy, titled "Strong Commitment." He also won first place for the Places category with his Bankhead Brewery photo, titled "Urban Strong."

First place winner for Things was Christian Newkirk with "Captain's Helmet."

Best of Show went to Tony Morrison for "Hardwicke-Etter Cotton Gin." Morrison said he did this all with one day's notice after hearing about the photography contest.

"I ran out and took a couple of photos, printed them, mounted them and entered them all in one day. So this was a spur-of-the-moment shot," he said.

Morrison used color infrared photography for most of his winning pieces.

"I like the old building and the DART train in the back so it represents the old and the new," he said of the cotton gin photo.

Second place winners were Jennifer Bell for "Eagle in Training," Morrison for "The Coyle House," Jim Elledge for "Rowlett Strong Fire Rescue Response," and Neal Braswell, who's category was not mentioned during the presentation.

Morrison also won third place in People with "Little Sweethearts Dance." 

Honorable Mentions

Audrey Bell for "Stormy Weather" and "Snow Day"

Neal Braswell for "Change on Main Street" and "Water Tower"

Jennifer Bell for "Before the Fall"

Christian Newkirk for "Fire Truck" 


Financial Reporting

The city's financial department had their own reason to celebrate Tuesday night because they were awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the comprehensive annual financial report.

"We are using taxpayer dollars and it's very important we are transparent with that and that we provide adequate and appropriate financial reporting, and I'm very excited that we continue to be recognized as an organization," said Mayor Pro Tem Tammy Dana-Bashian.

Director of financial services Kim Wilson said the award represents a significant achievement for the city because it reflects the high level of commitment by the city and staff to maintain principals of financial reporting.

"The Government Finance Officers Association presents the award of Financial Reporting Achievement to individuals or departments who have been instrumental in their government unit for preparing the award winning comprehensive annual report," she said. "This is the 12th year the city has received this very prestigious award."

Source: City Council recognizes Arts and Humanities contest winners

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