
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Are These the Good Old Days?

In the December '16 issue of Shutterbug, my Geared Up column took a look at imaging trends for 2107. Several of my comments prompted responses from readers that I wanted to address today: The first was the overwhelming influence of technology and the other is the resurgence of film photography, especially among younger shooters, all of which runs headlong into one of the most important Farace's Laws of photography.

Up until the dot-com bust of 2001 I used to write for computer magazines as well as Shutterbug and other magazines about photography. I've always been somewhat of a geek; my degree is in Electrical Engineering and have worked with all kinds of computers since 1964. Tech stuff still fascinates me, especially in the many ways it intersects digital photography.

In the film days, a lot of stuff was done for us by others. Commercial photo labs would process our film then make proofs or proof sheets. We would make selections based on those proofs then the lab would make prints. If we didn't like the prints we'd complain and the lab would re-make them at no charge. Now we have to do all of that ourselves. And that means we now have to have to know about stuff like color space, paper profiles and archivability.

To be sure, there are digital photo lab—and even Costco—out there that will help with all of this and if any readers have a lab they could recommend I would like to mention them in a future post. But the one thing I've seen in the few digital labs that I have used, with the exception of Artisan State, is that the process of uploading image files is not all that simple. Why can't we just dump files into a Dropbox folder and direct the lab to it. If any lab has done this, please let me know about it.

Camera controls for film cameras are simple: You set the shutter speed and aperture and maybe the film itself sets the ISO for you. Cameras like my Olympus and Panasonic mirrorless camera have deep menus with what seems like hundreds of settings; I tend to ignore most of them and just take pictures. But I'll acknowledge I may be missing something and inspired by my friends Mark Toal and Cliff Lawson, I  continue trying to learn something new. That's because there is no rest for the committed digital photographer because as soon as you feel you've got it under control along comes new technology that you need to get up to speed on.

It's no wonder some people find the whole digital photography experience too complicated and this may be the real and unsaid reason why so many people make snapshots using their cell phones. Another reason for this is because of one of Farace's Laws most important tenants: "Every change in image making has been one of convenience, not image quality."

IR.bookMy book, "The Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography," is out-of-print but used copies are available from Amazon at affordable prices. Creative Digital Monochrome Effects has a chapter on IR photography and is available from Amazon at an affordable price with used copies available at a giveaway—less than a buck— price. Pick up inexpensive copies of these books for your favorite ph otographer or yourself.


Source: Are These the Good Old Days?

Friday, December 30, 2016

A New Year with New Rules

Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account."— Oscar Wilde

As we enter year seven of this blog, I would like to say a big thank you to all my friends from Twitter, Google+ and Instagram who visit this blog, as well as other readers who get to Saving the World, One Pixel @ a Time from other sources. Thanks to all of you because without your support there would be no blog. I also appreciate your supporting as well the sponsors on the right-hand side of the page. If you are in need of any of the products and services these sponsors offer I'd appreciate your taking a look at their offerings before making a purchase decision. All of these companies are ones I've personally worked with over the years and actively use their products and services and know they will treat you with respect as a customer.

What's coming in 2017?

  • Podcasts: I  dropped the ball on my planned series of podcasts but I still want to start a series of Podcasts to include interviews with photographers about how they became the shooter that they are. As was the case in this year's podcast with Skip Cohen, I'll also be appearing on other podcasts during the year and if you're following me on Twitter or Instagram, you'll know when and where.
  • Photo Walks: As soon as the weather warms up a bit I'll kickstart a new series of Photo Walks. The first one will be in Parker, Colorado and include a stroll down Victorian Place as well as a walk around O'Brien Park. All photo walks will be approximately an hour long and will be free. Look for announcement of dates here and on Facebook and Twitter as well as here on the blog.
  • Meet & Greets: In the past we've had Coffee & Camera events and I would like to have another series in 2017. I would also like to hold them at different locations in the greater Denver Metropolitan area. If you have any suggestions on locations, please click the CONTACT button and let me know. Look for announcement of dates here and on Instagram, Google + and Twitter.
  • All this is just the beginning and I'll be rolling out new ideas and new blog themes all year. Over at JoeFaraceShootsCars, my automobile photography blog is going to have lots of new content including guest posts from outstanding car photographers such as our Senior Travel Correspondent, John Larsen.

    IR.bookMy book, "The Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography," is out-of-print but used copies are available from Amazon at affordable prices. Creative Digital Monochrome Effects has a chapter on IR photography and is available from Amazon at an affordable price with used copies available at a giveaway—less than a buck— price. Pick up inexpensive copies of these books for your favorite photographer or yourself.


    Source: A New Year with New Rules

    Tuesday, December 27, 2016

    Are These the Good Old Days?

    In the December '16 issue of Shutterbug, my Geared Up column took a look at imaging trends for 2107. Several of my comments prompted responses from readers that I wanted to address today: The first was the overwhelming influence of technology and the other is the resurgence of film photography, especially among younger shooters, all of which runs headlong into one of the most important Farace's Laws of photography.

    Up until the dot-com bust of 2001 I used to write for computer magazines as well as Shutterbug and other magazines about photography. I've always been somewhat of a geek; my degree is in Electrical Engineering and have worked with all kinds of computers since 1964. Tech stuff still fascinates me, especially in the many ways it intersects digital photography.

    In the film days, a lot of stuff was done for us by others. Commercial photo labs would process our film then make proofs or proof sheets. We would make selections based on those proofs then the lab would make prints. If we didn't like the prints we'd complain and the lab would re-make them at no charge. Now we have to do all of that ourselves. And that means we now have to have to know about stuff like color space, paper profiles and archivability.

    To be sure, there are digital photo lab—and even Costco—out there that will help with all of this and if any readers have a lab they could recommend I would like to mention them in a future post. But the one thing I've seen in the few digital labs that I have used, with the exception of Artisan State, is that the process of uploading image files is not all that simple. Why can't we just dump files into a Dropbox folder and direct the lab to it. If any lab has done this, please let me know about it.

    Camera controls for film cameras are simple: You set the shutter speed and aperture and maybe the film itself sets the ISO for you. Cameras like my Olympus and Panasonic mirrorless camera have deep menus with what seems like hundreds of settings; I tend to ignore most of them and just take pictures. But I'll acknowledge I may be missing something and inspired by my friends Mark Toal and Cliff Lawson, I  continue trying to learn something new. That's because there is no rest for the committed digital photographer because as soon as you feel you've got it under control along comes new technology that you need to get up to speed on.

    It's no wonder some people find the whole digital photography experience too complicated and this may be the real and unsaid reason why so many people make snapshots using their cell phones. Another reason for this is because of one of Farace's Laws most important tenants: "Every change in image making has been one of convenience, not image quality."

    IR.bookMy book, "The Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography," is out-of-print but used copies are available from Amazon at affordable prices. Creative Digital Monochrome Effects has a chapter on IR photography and is available from Amazon at an affordable price with used copies available at a giveaway—less than a buck— price. Pick up inexpensive copies of these books for your favorite ph otographer or yourself.


    Source: Are These the Good Old Days?

    Monday, December 26, 2016

    Infrared Photoshop Actions

    Giving your images the look of original infrared photographs has never been that easy! Equipped with 8 actions for Adobe Photoshop, the Twinbrush collection gives you the opportunity to create stunning infrared-like images in no time and without buying expensive lenses and film adaptations for your camera. You can get further information about this great collection below the image or click on the following link.

    Download the full set on Creative Market.

    Different styles and color settings.Different styles and color settings.

    Thanks to the use of smart objects as well as smart filters and adjustment layers, your original images are always kept perfectly intact. Furthermore, you have full control over all effects. Whether landscapes or portraits, the Photoshop actions are well suited for images with a good balance between green and yellow hues.

    Please note, the actions require Photoshop. You can get the latest version from the Adobe Creative Cloud website, just check it out here. For additional information on this great offer, just follow the link below.

    You can get the set for very low budget on Creative Market.

    Landscape photography.The set is well suited for landscape photography. PortraitsThe actions are also a great choice to give your portraits an eye-catching look. Infrared Photoshop action set.Infrared Photoshop action set.

    Feel free to download this set on Creative Market.

    Source: Infrared Photoshop Actions

    Friday, December 23, 2016

    Photographer’s Guide to The Sony DSC-RX100 V

    White Knight Press has just released Photographer's Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 V, a full-color, 246-page guide book covering all features and operations of the RX100 V compact digital camera.

    This book is a complete guide to the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 V camera, one of the most advanced, but still pocketable, cameras available. With this book, author Alexander White provides users of the RX100 V with a manual covering all aspects of the camera's operation. Using a tutorial-like approach, the book shows beginning and intermediate photographers how to take still images and record video with the RX100 V, and explains when and why to use the camera's many features.

    The book provides details about the camera's automatic and advanced shooting modes as well as its menu options for shooting, playback, setup, and using Wi-Fi connections with in-camera apps.

    The book has nearly 500 color photographs that illustrate the camera's controls, display screens, and menus. The images also provide examples of photographs taken using the RX100 V's Scene mode, with settings optimized for subjects such as landscapes, sunsets, portraits, and action shots; and the Creative Style and Picture Effect menu options, with settings that alter the appearance of images.

    The book also provides introductions to topics such as street photography, astrophotography, infrared photography, and digiscoping.

    The book includes a full discussion of the video features of the RX100 V, which can shoot HD and 4K (ultra-HD) movies, and which offers manual control of exposure and focus during movie recording. The book explains the camera's numerous features that are useful for professional-level videography, including Picture Profiles that allow adjustment of settings such as gamma curve, black level, knee, and detail. The book provides detailed information about recording 4K video to an external video recorder using the "clean" video output from the camera's HDMI port.

    In three appendices, the book discusses accessories for the RX100 V, including cases, power sources, grips, remote controls, and filter adapters, and includes a list of websites and other resources for further information. The book includes an appendix with "quick tips" on how to take advantage of the camera's features in the most efficient ways possible.

    This guide to the RX100 V includes a detailed index, so the reader can quickly find needed information about any particular feature or aspect of the camera.

    The paperback version is available now for $24.95 in the United States through and other online sellers. It is available through for £21.95. The book is also available in PDF format and in downloadable versions for the Kindle, Nook, and iPad. More details are available at

    Source: Photographer's Guide to The Sony DSC-RX100 V

    Thursday, December 22, 2016

    NASA built an infrared sensor inspired by the eyes of a moth

    In designing its new high-sensitivity infrared camera, NASA engineers looked to nature for inspiration. After disappointing tests with carbon nano tubes, they built a silicon-based sensor that mimics the structure of a moth's eye. Moths, notable for their ability to see in the dark, have unique eyes that contain arrays of microscopic spikes that help recapture reflected light that would otherwise bounce back away from their eyes

    NASA was able manufacturer an infrared sensor with similar protuberances, as seen in the image above. Each spike is no taller than a grain of sand. The resulting 1,280-pixel bolometer can detect faint variations in both frequency and direction of light. "This enables the detector to be used over a wider bandwidth. It makes the detector far more sensitive — especially in the far infrared," said Ed Wollack in a statement from NASA. A scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Wollack, together with NASA detector specialist Christine Jhabvala, helped design and build the detector.

    Related: NASA sends eight small satellites into orbit to help monitor hurricanes

    An array of four such sensors will be put to use in NASA's High-Resolution Airborne Wideband Camera-plus, or HAWC+. Even with the exceptional sensitivity of the new system, HAWC+ must be flown at high altitudes to pick up distant infrared light. Such light is otherwise blocked by the moisture in Earth's atmosphere. A modified Boeing 747, dubbed the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, or SOFIA, will be used to carry HAWC+ to those altitudes.

    The HAWC+ camera mounted to the telescope on NASA's SOFIA aircraft.


    In addition to creating images, the new detectors are capable of measuring polarized light from the "emission of dust in our galaxy," NASA wrote in the statement. This will allow NASA to map the magnetic fields surrounding the black hole at the center of our galaxy, studying it in greater detail than has been possible up until now.

    "You can be inspired by something in nature, but you need to use the tools at hand to create it," said Wollack. "It really was the coming together of people, machines, and materials. Now we have a new capability that we didn't have before. This is what innovation is all about."

    This isn't the first time that moths have inspired engineering. Earlier this year, researchers at the University of Surrey in the U.K. used a similar technique to improve the efficiency of solar cells.

    You can follow the progress of NASA's HAWC+ mission on the SOFIA website.

    Source: NASA built an infrared sensor inspired by the eyes of a moth

    Tuesday, December 20, 2016

    White Knight Press Releases Full-color Guide Book for Sony DSC-RX100 V Camera

    White Knight Press has just released Photographer's Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 V, a full-color, 246-page guide book covering all features and operations of the RX100 V compact digital camera.

    Henrico, Virginia (PRWEB) December 20, 2016

    White Knight Press has just released Photographer's Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 V, a full-color, 246-page guide book covering all features and operations of the RX100 V compact digital camera.

    This book is a complete guide to the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 V camera, one of the most advanced, but still pocketable, cameras available. With this book, author Alexander White provides users of the RX100 V with a manual covering all aspects of the camera's operation. Using a tutorial-like approach, the book shows beginning and intermediate photographers how to take still images and record video with the RX100 V, and explains when and why to use the camera's many features.

    The book provides details about the camera's automatic and advanced shooting modes as well as its menu options for shooting, playback, setup, and using Wi-Fi connections with in-camera apps.

    The book has nearly 500 color photographs that illustrate the camera's controls, display screens, and menus. The images also provide examples of photographs taken using the RX100 V's Scene mode, with settings optimized for subjects such as landscapes, sunsets, portraits, and action shots; and the Creative Style and Picture Effect menu options, with settings that alter the appearance of images.

    The book also provides introductions to topics such as street photography, astrophotography, infrared photography, and digiscoping.

    The book includes a full discussion of the video features of the RX100 V, which can shoot HD and 4K (ultra-HD) movies, and which offers manual control of exposure and focus during movie recording. The book explains the camera's numerous features that are useful for professional-level videography, including Picture Profiles that allow adjustment of settings such as gamma curve, black level, knee, and detail. The book provides detailed information about recording 4K video to an external video recorder using the "clean" video output from the camera's HDMI port.

    In three appendices, the book discusses accessories for the RX100 V, including cases, power sources, grips, remote controls, and filter adapters, and includes a list of websites and other resources for further information. The book includes an appendix with "quick tips" on how to take advantage of the camera's features in the most efficient ways possible.

    This guide to the RX100 V includes a detailed table of contents and index, so the reader can quickly find needed information about any particular feature or aspect of the camera.

    The book is available now in a paperback edition for $24.95 and in various ebook formats for $9.99. More information is available at

    For the original version on PRWeb visit:

    This article was originally distributed via PRWeb. PRWeb, WorldNow and this Site make no warranties or representations in connection therewith.

    This article was originally distributed via PRWeb. PRWeb, Frankly and this Site make no warranties or representations in connection therewith. If you are affiliated with this page and would like it removed please contact

    Source: White Knight Press Releases Full-color Guide Book for Sony DSC-RX100 V Camera

    Monday, December 19, 2016

    A Step-by-Step Guide to Infrared Photography That Don’t Suck


    Bored of the "regular photography"? Looking to do some interesting alternate photography instead? Then check out infrared photography (IR photography). If you are unsure of what it looks like, here are a few good examples from Flickr.

    IR-LindePhoto by Enzio Harpaintner IRPhoto by ivhp0 0706/13irBy marcin nosal

    White trees, white grass and a surreal landscape, those are the characteristics of IR Photograph. But quite a bit of work needs to be done before you can capture this surreal beauty. Which is why I have written this not-so-secret guide to walk you through photographing the unseen world, like a ninja.


    I shall first dedicate a short section of science to prevent confused ninjas. I am not a rocket scientist either, so I will just touch on things that are important for you photo ninjas to know. As you might already know, light is a form of energy… and super brains call that a form of electromagnetic radiation.

    Whatever that means, photo ninjas should know that the light we can see are between 400 nm to 700 nm of the electromagnetic spectrum. Beyond that from 700 nm to 1 mm, is what we call the infrared lights, or what appears to be invisible to us.

    The visible light range (Source : Wikipedia)

    Some of you sharp ninjas may be confused now. If IR is invisible, how are we going to photograph it? Well, not to worry. It would seem that most humans are actually capable of seeing lights into the near IR range of about 1000 nm… and a few freaky humans are capable of even more.

    So in IR photography, we are mainly interested in capturing the 700 nm to 1 mm range of IR lights. Geeky ninjas, feel free to check out more science on Wikipedia if you are interested.


    To get started with IR photography, you will need:

  • A camera capable of capturing lights in the IR range, the below sections C & D will explain more.
  • Shooting with a sturdy tripod is recommended.
  • Remote shutter release.

    Before we jump into IR photography, we need to test if your camera that is capable of capturing light in the IR range. Sadly, not all cameras are built for IR photography. As technology advances, cameras become very capable of filtering out UV and IR lights… which is not what we want.

    To test how sensitive your camera is to IR light, we use a very simple, very "traditional" method. All you need is a remote controller (TV, audio, or whichever you can find).

    Next, point the remote control at your camera and switch on the live view mode on your camera. Press a few buttons on the remote, and if you see the bulb light up on the camera screen, your camera is good to go for IR Photography. If it doesn't, your camera is probably filtering out all the IR lights.

    Remote control infrared

    Once your camera pass this test, it's time to get yourself an IR filter. Which one to get? I use a Hoya R72 – review here, and you can get it from eBay. Alternatively, you can get a decent and affordable Zomei.


    If your camera is blind on the IR side, don't despair. There are 2 ways around it. The first way, is to remove the internal "hot mirror" of your camera which filters out the IR lights… I don't recommend this method since it is permanent, and can potentially destroy your perfectly good camera.

    Alternatively, you can just buy one of these already modified infrared camera on eBay. They are pretty cheap, and don't risk your own camera.


    The best time to do IR Photography is day time with lots of sunlight and loads of IR light. Yes and it's very hot, you get all sweaty, but you will get to laugh at the silly people who says harsh sunlight is bad for photography.


    Anywhere outdoor where sunlight can reach. But since IR interestingly turn greens into whites, go find somewhere with lots of greens. Parks will be a good idea.


    As with landscape photography, the first thing you need to do in IR photography is to keep a keen eye open for interesting perspectives. All your basic composition rules still apply – Lines, shapes, rule of thirds and symmetry if you wish.

    Compose your photo as usual

    Just a small note and tip on colors in IR photography – it's really hard to estimate how it will turn out. But again, greens in the sunlight will turn out white. Most IR reflective surfaces will turn out white, skies and water remains blue. Alternatively, you can just go black-and-white.


    When you have a good composition, it's time to put the camera on the tripod and remote shutter release. If you are using an IR filter, don't put it on just yet… because once you put it on, all you will see is nothing but a sea of red. So focus 1/3 into the scene and get everything in focus first. Then turn your camera into the manual focus mode, and put on the IR filter.

    Just a small suggestion – if you have a UV or clear filter attached, you might want to remove it and not stack the filters. This will less the chance of vignetting… and the UV filter is probably useless. Since the IR filter will block out all visible light AND all UV lights.


    I will stress this in every one of my guides – shoot in RAW. Especially when it comes to IR photography, you are going to need all the data that RAW files can capture. Editing an IR photo in JPG is just going to be very difficult.


    Forget the auto mode here… the IR filter will simply cause the metering to go wack. Even if you have one of those modified IR cameras, you are probably going to need some adjustments too. So just use manual mode. As for the settings, I have no magic numbers that can "one size fits all". But I shall share my common settings.

    Aperture : I am usually stuck between f/5.6 and f/14. I am a landscape photographer, and I need a decent depth-of-field.

    Shutter Speed : This is pretty much trial-and-error. As I am on an IR filter, I would say at least 1 second to as long as 1 minute. If you do not want a long exposure, you will have to sacrifice a little bit on ISO and aperture. People on modified IR cameras should not have an issue with slow shutter speeds.

    ISO : I usually recommend the ISO to be as low as possible. But in the case of IR photography, pumping the ISO is somehow very useful. Especially when you have a small aperture, and do not want a long shutter speed to register all the moving leaves. I usually keep the ISO anywhere from 100 to 3200.


    Set to the mirror up mode if you are on the DSLR, you will want tack sharp photos. If not, there is really nothing too special at this stage. Shoot, chimp, check the exposure, re-adjust the settings and repeat.

    A few tips and words of warning though. The leaves will move in the wind, and when it comes to long exposure, you are going to get a motion blur. If you do not want that motion blur, adjust your shutter speed accordingly. If you are working on an IR filter, the RAW image will be red. Nothing wrong with it, you will need some editing work to "fix" it.

    The RAW IR image G) EDITING

    The final stage where the magic happens, and I entirely use Photoshop only to edit the IR photos.


    Open the RAW file in Photoshop, camera raw should fire up.  This stage is pretty much set the temperature to 2000K, adjust the exposures, sharpen, and done.


    The magic happens when you do a channel swap. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer -> Channel Swap. If you are lazy, just check the monochrome and you get your instant black-and-white IR photo. How difficult is that?

    If you are slightly more hardworking, uncheck that monochrome, cycle through the red/green/blue channels and play with those sliders. Generally, you will want the red and blue channels to be swapped. I.E. The red channel will have less reds and more blues. The blue channel will have less blues and more reds.

    Swap the red and blue channels. G3) CLEAN UP, FINISH UP It's a white Christmas here in tropical Singapore.

    Final step, lasso out pieces of rubbish, content aware fill it. Most importantly, slap your watermark on, and that's it! Mission accomplished.


    Most people will probably be baffled by IR photography at first… especially when you are shooting something that you cannot see. But play around with it and keep on trying, the satisfaction when you nail an epic IR photo simply outweighs the pain of the learning process.

    So I hope this guide has given you a glimpse into an alternative way of photography. If there are parts that you find confusing in this tutorial, please do comment below. I shall try to answer and improve on it. Now go try IR photography, shoot and have fun!


    If you do not already have a copy of Photoshop, click on the link below to check out an offer.

    Looking for more awesome and interesting photography? Check out this eBook.

    Source: A Step-by-Step Guide to Infrared Photography That Don't Suck

    Saturday, December 17, 2016

    Time is Running Out on Portfolio/Website Reviews

    For the past several year's I've been offering portfolio reviews for readers of this blog during the holidays—with a charitable twist. From today until December 19'th I'll be offering face-to-face portfolio/website reviews for photographers in the Denver and Colorado Springs areas with the $35 fee going directly to a charity.

    In this case, it will be the Denver Rescue Mission, a non-denominational Christian mission founded in 1892, to help them feed the homeless during the holidays. Denver Rescue Mission meets the needs of those experiencing poverty and homelessness through emergency services, community outreach, long-term rehabilitation programs, transitional programs, and assistance for permanent housing. Your check will be made payable to them, not me, so you also get the charitable tax write-off.

    Reviews will be held at the Starbucks located near the intersection of Lincoln & Oswego that's just East of I-25 and south of the Denver Tech Center. The Starbucks' official address is 9854 Zenith Meridian Drive, Unit C and their phone number is 303.662.9499 if you want to call for directions or just click for map. Note this is a new location.

    The one-hour portfolio reviews will be by appointment only. To reserve your time, click the CONTACT button at the top of this blog and send me a message suggesting a few times and dates that are convenient for you and I'll get back to you to schedule your face-to-face portfolio review. In the past, these reviews have helped feed dozens of people in need. This year, with your participation, my goal is to help hundreds.

    IR.bookIf you can't make it to one of these review, consider purchasing one of my books that Amazon has at bargain prices right now. My book, "The Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography," is out-of-print but used copies are available from Amazon at most affordable prices. Creative Digital Monochrome Effects has a chapter on IR photography and is available from Amazon at an affordable price with used copies available at a giveaway—less than a buck— price. Pick up inexpensive copies of these books for your favorite photographer as a Holiday gift.


    Source: Time is Running Out on Portfolio/Website Reviews

    Friday, December 16, 2016

    Photographer’s Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 V

    White Knight Press has just released the Photographer's Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 V. This publication, by Alexander White, is a complete guide to the operation of the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 V camera. Using a tutorial-like approach, the book shows beginning and intermediate photographers how to take still images and record video with the RX100 V, and explains when and why to use the camera's many features. Featuring nearly 500 colour photographs that illustrate the camera's controls, display screens, and menus, the 246-page volume provides details about the camera's automatic and advanced shooting modes as well as its menu options for shooting, playback, setup, and using Wi-Fi connections with in-camera apps. Additionally, the book provides detailed information about recording 4K video to an external video recorder using the "clean" video output from the camera's HDMI port. The paperback version is available now for $24.95/£21.95. The book is also available in PDF format and in downloadable versions for Kindle, Nook and iPad.

    Press Release

    White Knight Press has just released Photographer's Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 V, a full-color, 246-page guide book covering all features and operations of the RX100 V compact digital camera.

    This book is a complete guide to the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 V camera, one of the most advanced, but still pocketable, cameras available. With this book, author Alexander White provides users of the RX100 V with a manual covering all aspects of the camera's operation. Using a tutorial-like approach, the book shows beginning and intermediate photographers how to take still images and record video with the RX100 V, and explains when and why to use the camera's many features.

    The book provides details about the camera's automatic and advanced shooting modes as well as its menu options for shooting, playback, setup, and using Wi-Fi connections with in-camera apps.

    The book has nearly 500 color photographs that illustrate the camera's controls, display screens, and menus. The images also provide examples of photographs taken using the RX100 V's Scene mode, with settings optimized for subjects such as landscapes, sunsets, portraits, and action shots; and the Creative Style and Picture Effect menu options, with settings that alter the appearance of images.

    The book also provides introductions to topics such as street photography, astrophotography, infrared photography, and digiscoping.

    The book includes a full discussion of the video features of the RX100 V, which can shoot HD and 4K (ultra-HD) movies, and which offers manual control of exposure and focus during movie recording. The book explains the camera's numerous features that are useful for professional-level videography, including Picture Profiles that allow adjustment of settings such as gamma curve, black level, knee, and detail. The book provides detailed information about recording 4K video to an external video recorder using the "clean" video output from the camera's HDMI port.

    In three appendices, the book discusses accessories for the RX100 V, including cases, power sources, grips, remote controls, and filter adapters, and includes a list of websites and other resources for further information. The book includes an appendix with "quick tips" on how to take advantage of the camera's features in the most efficient ways possible.

    This guide to the RX100 V includes a detailed index, so the reader can quickly find needed information about any particular feature or aspect of the camera.

    The paperback version is available now for $24.95 in the United States through and other online sellers. It is available through for £21.95. The book is also available in PDF format and in downloadable versions for the Kindle, Nook, and iPad. More details are available at

    Source: Photographer's Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 V

    Thursday, December 15, 2016

    Time is Running Out on Portfolio/Website Reviews

    For the past several year's I've been offering portfolio reviews for readers of this blog during the holidays—with a charitable twist. From today until December 19'th I'll be offering face-to-face portfolio/website reviews for photographers in the Denver and Colorado Springs areas with the $35 fee going directly to a charity.

    In this case, it will be the Denver Rescue Mission, a non-denominational Christian mission founded in 1892, to help them feed the homeless during the holidays. Denver Rescue Mission meets the needs of those experiencing poverty and homelessness through emergency services, community outreach, long-term rehabilitation programs, transitional programs, and assistance for permanent housing. Your check will be made payable to them, not me, so you also get the charitable tax write-off.

    Reviews will be held at the Starbucks located near the intersection of Lincoln & Oswego that's just East of I-25 and south of the Denver Tech Center. The Starbucks' official address is 9854 Zenith Meridian Drive, Unit C and their phone number is 303.662.9499 if you want to call for directions or just click for map. Note this is a new location.

    The one-hour portfolio reviews will be by appointment only. To reserve your time, click the CONTACT button at the top of this blog and send me a message suggesting a few times and dates that are convenient for you and I'll get back to you to schedule your face-to-face portfolio review. In the past, these reviews have helped feed dozens of people in need. This year, with your participation, my goal is to help hundreds.

    IR.bookIf you can't make it to one of these review, consider purchasing one of my books that Amazon has at bargain prices right now. My book, "The Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography," is out-of-print but used copies are available from Amazon at most affordable prices. Creative Digital Monochrome Effects has a chapter on IR photography and is available from Amazon at an affordable price with used copies available at a giveaway—less than a buck— price. Pick up inexpensive copies of these books for your favorite photographer as a Holiday gift.


    Source: Time is Running Out on Portfolio/Website Reviews

    Tuesday, December 13, 2016


    1 e-preservationscience Pigment checkers. A pigment board was prepared using a cotton/polyester fine grain canvas 320 gr/m 2 with preparation and sized (ref 569 based on titanium white and acrylic resin. Two cross-hair lines of 0.4 mm thickness (horizontal and vertical) were drawn on the canvas before the application of paint, in order to enable evaluation of the pige-ps, 2016, 13, 1-6 ISSN: web edition ISSN: print edition e-preservation Science (e-ps) is published by Morana RTD d.o.o. INFRARED TECHNICAL PHOTOGRAPHY FOR ART EXAMINATION Copyright M O R A N A RTD d.o.o. Antonino Cosentino TECHNICAL PAPER 1. CHSOS - Cultural Heritage Science Open Source, Piazza Cantarella 11, Aci Sant Antonio, Italy corresponding author: Abstract This paper discusses technical photographic methods based on the extended infrared sensitivity of a digital camera modified with the removal of the in-built hot mirror filter on the CCD or CMOS sensor, which in turn renders it sensitive to in frared light with wavelength up to approximately 1100 nm. Four methods are presented: infrared (reflected light) (IR), infrared transmitted (IRT), infrared false color (IRFC) and infrared fluorescence (IRF). The procedures and the equipment are discussed using examples from case studies and prepared samples. 1 Introduction The transparency of pigments in the infrared range was noticed already in the 1930 s using infrared photographic films, but their sensitivity was only up to 900 nm, and most of the pigments could not be penetrated at very near IR wavelengths. R. J. van Asperen de Boer 1 discovered in the 1960 s that Vidicon cameras could take advantage of a much farther infrared range, until about 2200 nm, and they remained the best infrared detector for art examination until the development of InGaAs cameras 2 which are sensitive up to 1700 nm. CCD imaging sensors cover the range only up to about 1100 nm, but their affordability and significantly higher resolution has made them a n attractive alternative to infrared reflectography (IRR) 3 performed with either Vidicon or InGaAs cameras. Nowadays, the term infrared photography (IR) indicates the examination performed with digital cameras. This method has been explored from the beginning of the first decade of the 21st century, and IR imaging has been used in many cultural heritage related fields such as fine arts 4-5, wall paintings 6 and archaeology 7. The CMOS and CCD imaging sensors of the photographic digital cameras respond both to the near infrared and near ultraviolet ranges of the spectrum ( about nm) and camera manufacturers install an IR cut-off filter to reduce infrared transmission for general usage scenarios. The full spectrum modification consists of the removal of this filter and it is performed by specialized companies, widely spreading the access to this examination tool. This paper illustrates technical photographic methods for art examination that take advantage of the extended sensitivity of full spectrum modified digital camera into the infrared region. Specifically, this paper discusses infrared (reflected light) (IR), infrared transmitted (IRT), infrared fluorescence (IRF) and infrared false color (IRFC).The advantage of using a full spectrum digital camera is that the same camera can be used also for other techniques, such as ultraviolet photography 8,9 and multispectral imaging Experimental received: 09/02/2015 accepted: 17/12/2015 key words: infrared photography, infrared fluorescence, infrared transmitted, infrared false color 1

    2 wavelengths. The IR images presented in this study were acquired with the Heliopan 1000 filter. Before proceeding with the technical aspects of each of the IR techniques, issues common to all of them and closely inherent to the acquisition and editing of images in the near infrared range ( nm) are discussed. Figure 1: 54 pigments have been tested on two opaque boards laid with gum arabic and egg tempera and on canvas with pigments laid using linseed oil. ment transparency in the IR. The lines were then fixed with an acrylic resin (Maimeri # 675). Eventually, the canvas was covered with a cardboard matte printed with the pigments names and codes. This pigment checker allowed the transmittance of 54 pigments to be verified with infrared photography. Two other pigment boards with the same pigments laid with gum arabic and egg tempera on a opaque cardboard support were also used for IRFC and IR imaging (Figure 1). Lighting. Infrared light can be provided by halogen lamps with emissi on that approximates a black body radiation and follows Plank s law 13. Commercial halogen bulbs provide enough infrared for most applications if heating is not an issue. For subjects particularly sensitive to heat, and for shooting in working environment that must be kept cool, LEDs and flash lights can be used. LEDs are available at different wavelengths in the infrared region (750, 850, and 940 nm). The 940 nm LEDs are preferred because they reach to the edge of the full spectrum camera sensitivity in the infrared region and allow the user to take advantage of the increased transparency of the pigments in this region. It must also be mentioned that white light LEDs have an infrared component, but this is much less intense than that provided by the IR LEDs. Flash lights have a sufficient IR infrared component and they are preferred when exposure must be rapid such as for the RTI technique 14,15 (Figure 2). The only issue with the flash lights is that the infrared light provided ma y not be sufficient for large objects and, in contrary to halogen lamps, with the flash lights the exposure may not achieve enough illumination. Consequently, the power of the strobe lights should match the dimension of the object. Other advantages of the strobe light are the possibility to use them for the VIS photography and to easily polarize them. Calibration. The infrared technical photography images presented in this paper were taken using a Nikon D800 DSLR (36 MP, CMOS sensor) digital camera modified to be full spectrum (about nm). It is recommended to tether the camera to a computer for sharper focusing using live-view mode. For the purpose of this work the American Institute of Conservation Photo Documentation (AIC PhD) target 16 was used to adjust the white balance for visible photography, which is necessary for editing the infrared false color images. The camera has been calibrated with the X-rite ColorChecker Passport and its bundled software since, due to differences in technologies and variables in manufacturing processes, every camera captures colors a bit differently. Registration. In the workflow for technical photographic documentation of art works, it is recommended to acquire all the images maintaining the same position for both the camera and the subject in order to shoot photos that overlap each other spatially. This procedure facilitates the comparison between images since they can be uploaded as layers of a single image file into a photo editing software. The images can then be studied by switching between the layers and making observations based on interpretations from of all of them. Unfortunately, the images acquired in the infrared region and the ultraviolet region do not overlap the corresponding visible images, because visible and infrared light feature different optical paths inside standard photographic lenses. Consequently, it is necessary to refocus the lens anytime a new infrared photo is taken after a visible one and then re gister the Figure 2: IR images can be acquired with studio flashes or halogen lamps. Filters. There are infrared cutoff filters for all the infrared ranges where a modified camera is sensitive. Among the most common filters used are the ones that allow the infrared over 780, 800, 850, 900 and 1000 nm to pass. The only filter recommended for studies of pigments is the 1000 nm filter, since pigments become more transparent at higher infrared Figure 3. The cross-hair stickers placed at the corners of the painting allow to easily rescale the IR image and register it over the VIS photo. 2

    3 by M O R A N A RTD d.o.o. infrared images over the visible photo. Registration is the term used in imaging science to indicate the process of transforming an image in order to overlap a reference image of the same scene but taken with different sensor or other conditions. In the technical photography workflow the VIS image represents the reference and the other images must overlap it. Images such as ultraviolet photography (UVF) don t need any registration since the only parameter changed is the lighting. On the other hand, registration of the IR images is mandatory because the different focusing causes a change of the borders of the scene photographed. This procedure can be realized with a software tool for automatic registration or manually. The refocusing causes a change of the scene which can be corrected with simple rescaling. It is recommended to apply four cross-hair stickers at the corners of the paintings (Figure 3). The stickers can be used as references to rescale the IR image over the VIS. If no other misplacement of the camera and the subject has taken place, this procedure usually provides adequate registration. The cross-hairs must be drawn with an ink, which absorbs in IR, such as carbon based ink; otherwise they disappear in the infrared images. On the other hand, the refocusing issue could be solved using an expensive apochromatic lens that guarantees focusing across the UV, VIS and IR, such as the Coastal Optical 1:4 Apochromatic Macro 60 mm lens. Editing. The Nikon D800, like most digital color cameras, features a CMOS imaging detector whose photosensors do not distinguish the wavelength of the incoming light and are covered with a CFA (color filter array) composed of tiny color filters to select only red, green or blue light. The CFA color filters are largely transparent to IR, with the green filters absorbing more of the IR light than the other two, resulting in the purple color of the infrared photos. It is preferred to edit the infr ared images to B/W because it is easier and more effective to read grey tones and liken them to their traditional appearance in infrared films. Consequently, the editing of the infrared raw photos are desatureted in order to remove the color component. Hot spots. These are bright circles in the center of the infrared images which usually become more evident at high f-number. Hot spots can be caused by the coatings inside the lens barrel, the lens elements, and the interaction between the lens elements and the imaging sensor. An online database of lenses 17 tested for hot spots showed that all of the standard photographic lenses are affected at the highest f-number and only the Coastal Optical Apochromatic Macro 60 mm lens doesn t show hotspots at any f-number. There are other resources on the web providing qualitative information on lenses for infrared photography and hot spots Results and Discussion This paper illustrates 4 infrared photographic methods which can be realized using a full spectrum modified digital camera. Figure 4 illustrates the set-up of the equipment (camera, lighting and filters) and the subject for the infrared photographic methods discussed. 3.1 Infrared (IR) The camera and the lights stand in front of the subject, usually two lamps are used, one on each side, at less than 45 degrees to reduce reflection (Figure 4). In addition to the raw image desaturation done to render the image in B/W, the photo is also exposure corrected using the AIC Photo Documentation target photographed in the scene to have for the N8 grey patch RGB value 100 ± 5. Infrared photography is useful to detect underdrawing and overpainting thanks to the infrared transparency of most pigments 19. In an infrared image we are interested in the contrast between a bright and reflective ground layer and the drawing made with ink or paint which absorbs the infrared, such as a carbon based pigment (Figure 5). But if the drawing was realized with an infrared transparent paint there is no contrast with the ground layer and the drawing cannot be detected. Infrared photography can be coupled with other techniques creating a synergy which works to increase their capabilities, such as RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) and panoramic photography 20,21. The VIS and IR images can be blended 22,23 to better read the underdrawing in relation to the actual painted figures and to compare a painting with the underpaints, highlighting changes between the original composition and the final version (Figure 6). Figure 4: Equipment set up for each infrared photographic method. 3

    4 Figure 5: Infrared photography reveals underdrawing thanks to the contrast between the infrared light reflected by the ground and that absorbed by the drawing. IRT often provides a better reading of the underdrawing and underpainting. In particular it is effective for highly reflective pigments, such as lead white and titanium white. These very important white pigments in art, are the most used, respectively, before and after about Their hiding power is barely affected by infrared light, and since they strongly reflect light they don t produce a contrast with the ground and the underdrawing. On the other hand, if the infrared radiation comes from the back, the underdrawing becomes apparent (Figure 8, 9). 3.3 Infrared False color ( IRFC) Figure 6: Sicilian cart piece (Masciddara), 1920 s. The infrared photo reveals the sketched frame drawn to transfer the composition. The Luminosity blending mode of VIS and IR images allows us to read the drawing in the context of the actual pain ting colors. Courtesy of Master Domenico di Mauro, Aci Sant Antonio (Sicily). The Infrared False Color image is created by digitally editing the VIS and IR images of the same subject. Figure 10 shows the editing of the VIS and IR images of a wall painting in Assoro (Sicily) 25 into the IRFC image. The resulting blue IRFC color of the green drapery suggests malachite (Figure 11). IRFC is helpful to detect retouches and for the tentative identification of pigments. While IRFC does not provide conclusive results; it is recognized as a valid tool to select areas of interest for further analytical studies. A standard method to edit the IRFC images has been proposed 19, where the AIC PhD target serves to calibrate the exposure of both the VIS and IR images before they are mixed. The grey patches are identified by the following designations 3.2 Infrared Transmitted (IRT) Figure 7: IRT from the front (IRT) is generally preferred since the image of the underdrawing is resolved better than th rough the canvas (IRT canvas). This method 24 can be applied to paintings on canvas or other translucent supports, such as paper and parchment. In the case that the lighting can be effectively shielded, and no infrared light is diffused in the examination room, then the camera faces the painting s front. It is preferred to face the front of the painting if possible because the drawing lines will appear sharper since the infrared light will not be diffused by the canvas (Figure 7). Figure 10. To create the IRFC image the VIS green (G) and red (R) channels become respectively the IRFC blue (B) and green (G) channels. The IRFC red (R) channel is represented by the IR image. Detail, wall paintings. Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Assoro (Sicily). Figure 8: IRT allows us to detect the underdrawing below otherwise opaque white pigments. Figure 9: Underdrawing becomes more visible in IRT. Examples of blue (azurite), yellow (orpiment), green (green earth) and red (vermilion) pigments. F igure 11: Pigments of the same color feature a different IRFC color if they behave differently in the infrared. Malachite absorbs infrared, red, and blue light. Consequently, only its green component participates in the IRFC image, providing a final blue IRFC color for malachite. On the other hand, viridian additionally reflects the infrared and consequently its IRFC is the additive result of the red and blue channels, making it appear purple. 4

    5 by M O R A N A RTD d.o.o. (white to black): white; N8; N6.5; N5; N3.5; and black. The images are then exposure corrected using the N8 neutral grey patch (150 +/- 5 for VIS and 100 +/- 5 for IR). False color images can be also acquired with specialized filters, such as the XNite BP1 (the images are indicated with the acronym BP1). This filter transmits visible light in the range nm and infrared after 800 nm and it can be used as an alternative to the IRFC method but with significant limitations. Digital color cameras feature CCD or CMOS imaging detectors whose photosensors cannot distinguish the wavelength of the incoming light and are covered with a CFA (color filter array) to select only red, green or blue light. The CFA is transparent to the infrared transmitted by the XNite BP1 and the photosensors can detect it. The photo that is obtained with XNite BP1 would have the infrared light contributing more to the red channel, since the far red has been cut out by the filter itself and therefore the infrared light is the only one that can contribute to the red channel. This filter provides images that are analogous to the IRFC because the infrared and visible lights are blended together and thus the BP1 is capable to distinguish between paints which feature different infrared reflectance. Compared to typical IRFC, BP1 is less effective since the infrared is also detected by the blue and green photosensors reducing the capacity to render pigments with different false colors (Figure 12). The advantage of BP1 over IRFC is that no editing is needed. Therefore, this method is much faster and it is particularly useful for the study of large artworks, such as mural paintings, since their documentation with IRFC Figure 12: Madonna and four Angels. IRFC highlights the retouches better than BP1. would require the laborious editing of numerous VIS and IR images. Another issue with the BP1 filter is that the images obtained are always a bit blurred, the actual amount dep ending on overall exposure parameters (aperture and distance). A standard lens can focus only one spectral range at a time, visible or infrared. Therefore, if focusing is fine in the visible range, the infrared would be out of focus. This issue can be solved using an apochromatic lens, but for the examination of objects at longer distances and with sufficient illumination, the use of a small f-number can minimize the defocusing. The BP1 filter has been tested on a collection of 54 historical pigments laid with egg tempera (Figure 13). The method distinguishes pigments with a different infrared response, such as malachite and verdigris (both absorb infrared), from the other greens (which reflect the infrared) (Figure 14). 3.4 Infrared Fluorescence (IRF) Some molecules and minerals 26 (among them mineral pigments) exhibit Infrared Fluorescence. This phenomenon is analogous to ultraviolet fluorescence where a beam of ultraviolet light induces emission of visible light. In the case of I nfrared Fluorescence, a beam of visible light generates an infrared emission (Figure 15). Vis i ble LED lamps have a weak infrared com po nent (between about nm) that contributes noise to the infrared flu o res cence pho to. However, the infrared component can be filtered out by applying the X-Nite CC1 fil ter on the LED lamp (Cree LED 3000K 550 LUMEN). Among his tor i cal pigments Egypt ian blue, cad mium red, cad mium yel low and cadmium green exhibit infrared flu o res cence. The first pub li ca tion on the appli ca tion of IRF to art, specifi cally to iden tify cadmium-based pig ments, goes back to the Infrared flu o res cence pho tog ra phy is used in archae ol ogy to detect even tiny frag ments of the pig ment Egypt ian blue 28. The infrared filter on the camera is the same Heliopan 1000 because the IRF emission of cadmium pigments and Egyptian blue occurs at long infrared wavelengths 29,30, and it is preferred to keep the same filter for all the infrared methods in order to a void any problems with alignment. The 800 nm IR filter, such as the B+W 093 filter, represents an alternative. Its transmittance does not exceed Figure 13: Pigments checker collection of 54 historical pigments laid with egg tempera. Figure 14: Swatches of malachite, verdigris, phthalo green and viridian. Both IRFC and BP1 can differentiate the two historical green pigments (malachite and verdigris) from the modern phthalo green and viridian. Figure 15: Ultraviolet and Infrared Fluorescence can both be described as a phenomenon where a specific light is input and another longer wavelength light is output. 5

    6 1% until 800 nm, but increases to 88 % at 900 nm. This filter would be recommended for large subjects because it also allows the near infrared fluorescence emission to be collected, and therefore it will shorten the otherwise long exposures occurring with the Heliopan 1000 filter. However, it is important to note that in this case the residual infrared component from the LED lamp will become important and will pollute the image unless it is filtered out with the XNite CC1. In order to correct the exposure for IRF photography it is recommended to add a swatch of cadmium red to the AIC photo Documentation target. The red cadmium swatch should have an RGB 30 ± 5. The AIC target also allows us to verify that no infrared light is polluting the scene, since all of its swatches should be dark, except the cadmium red one. 4 Conclusions Four photographic methods for art examination based on the infrared sensitivity of a full spectrum modified digital camera were illustrated. This paper showed the equipment and the procedures to perform infrared (IR), infrared transmitted (IRT), infrared false color (IRFC) and infrared fluorescence (IRF) photography by using case studies and prepared samples. The study aimed to illustrate the simplest solutions and approaches to implement these methods in the art examination and documentation workflow used by museum photographers and conservators. 5 Acknowledgments The author wants to thank the Hercules Laboratory (Portugal) for allowing the test of the XNite BP1 filter. Special thanks to Aci Sant Antonio s last Sicilian cart painter: the 101 years old Master Domenico Di Mauro for letting us examine his collection. 6 References 1. J.R.J. van Asperen de Boer, Reflectography of Paintings Using an Infrared Vidicon Television System, Studies in Conservation, 1969, 14, M. Gargano, N. Ludwig, G. Poldi, A new methodology for comparing IR reflectographic systems, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2007, 49, A. Cosentino, Panoramic infrared Reflectography. Technical Recommendations, Intl Journal of Conservation Science, 2014, 5, S. Youn, Y. Kim, J. Lee, D. Har, A study of infrared reflectography for underdrawing detection using a digital camera, in: M.Roccetti, Ed., Proceeding of the IASTED International Conference Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applicatins, ACTA Press Anaheim, CA, USA, 2008, C. M. Falco, High resolution digital camera for infrared reflectography, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2009, A. Cosentino, M. Gil, M. Ribeiro, R. Di Mauro, Technical Photography for mural paintings: the newly discovered frescoes in Aci Sant Antonio (Sicily, Italy), Conservar Património, 2014, 20, G. Verhoeven, Imaging the invisible using modified digital still cameras for straightforward and low-cost archaeological near-infrared photography, Journal of Archaeological Science, 2008, 35, A. Cosentino, Practical notes on ultraviolet technical photography for art examination, Conservar Património, 2015, 21, A. Cosentino, E ffects of Different Binders on Technical Photography and Infrared Reflectography of 54 Historical Pigments, International Journal of Conservation Science, 2015, 6, A. Cosentino, Multispectral Imaging of Pigments with a digital camera and 12 interferential filters, e-preservation Science, 2015, 12, A. Cosentino, Panoramic, Macro and Micro Multispectral Imaging: An Affordable System for Mapping Pigments on Artworks, Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies, 2015, 13, A. Cosentino, Multispectral imaging system using 12 interference filters for mapping pigments, Conservar Património, 2015, 21, R. A. Serway, J. W. Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Cengage Learning, 8th edition, A. Cosentino, Macro Photography for Reflectance Transformation Imaging: A Practical Guide to the Highlights Method, e-conservation Journal, 2013, 1, A. Cosentino, S. Stout, C. Scandurra, Innovative Imaging Techniques for Examination and Documentation of mural paintings and histor ical graffiti in the catacombs of San Giovanni, Syracuse, International Journal of Conservation Science, 2015, 6, AIC PhotoDocumentation Targets (AIC PhD Targets), conservation - accessed Dec Cultural Heritage Science Open Source, Infrared Photography Lenses Database accessed Dec Hannemyr s Digital Infrared Resource Page accessed Dec A. Cosentino, Identification of pigments by multispectral imaging; a flowchart method, Heritage Science, 2014, 2, DOI: / A. Cosentino, A practical guide to panoramic multispectral imaging, e-conservation Magazine, 2013, 25, A. Cosentino, M.C. Caggiani, G. Ruggiero, F. Salvemini, Panoramic Multispectral Imaging: Training and Case studies, Belgian Association of conservators Bulletin, 2014, 2 nd Trimester, D. Saunders, J. Cupitt, Elucidating Reflectograms by superimposing infra-red and colour images, National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 1995, 16, A. Cosentino, S. Stout, Photoshop and Multispectral Imaging for Art Documentation, e-preservation Scie nce, 2014, 11, A. Moutsatsou, D. Skapoula, M. Doulgeridis, The Contribution of Transmitted Infrared Imaging to Non-Invasive Study of Canvas Paintings at the National Gallery Alexandros Soutzos Museum, Greece, e-conservation magazine, 2011, 22, A. Cosentino, Fors, Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy con gli spettrometri miniaturizzati per l identificazione dei pigmenti, Archeomatica, 2014, 1, D. F. Barnes, Infrared Lumi nes cence of min er als, Geo log i cal Sur vey Bul letin 1052-C, United States Gov er ment Print ing office, Wash ing - ton, C. F. Bridg man, H. L. Gib son, Infrared Lumi nes cence in the Pho to - graphic Exam i na tion of Paint ings and Other Art Objects, Stud ies in Con ser va tion, 1963, 8, G. Accorsi, G. Verri, M. Bolog nesi, N. Armaroli, C. Clementi, C. Mil - iani, A. Romani, The excep tional near-infrared lumi nes cence prop erties of cupror i vaite (Egypt ian blue), Chem. Com mun., 2009, A. Casini, F. Lotti, M. Picollo, L. Stefani, A. Aldrovandi, Fourier tran sform interferometric imaging spectrometry: a new tool for the study of reflectance and fluorescence of polychrome surfaces, in: J. H. Townsend, K. Eremin, A. Adriaens, Eds., Conservation Science 2002, Archetype Publications, London, 2007, M. Thoury, J. K. Delaney, E. R. De la Rie, M. Palmer, K. Morales, J. Krueger, Near-Infrared Luminescence of Cadmium Pigments: In Situ Identification and Mapping in Paintings, Applied Spectroscopy, 2011, 65,


    Monday, December 12, 2016

    Ten Amazing Facts About the Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe

    Our Lady of Guadalupe In honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, [December 12th] here are ten amazing facts about the image of Our Lady as seen on Saint Juan Diego's tilma that defy scientific explanation and argue in favor of its miraculous origin and divine provenance. Mary's message of faith still speaks to us, 485 years later.

    Our Lady of Guadalupe first appeared on December 9th, 1531. According to the account, the Virgin Mary told Juan Diego, an Indian convert, to tell Bishop Juan de Zumárraga to build a chapel. Bishop Zumárraga asked Diego for a sign as proof that it was truly the Mother of God. Our Lady instructed Diego to gather some roses in his tilma [popular piety attests that Mary arranged the roses in the tilma herself] and present them to the bishop. As Diego did this, the roses fell to the floor, revealing the miraculous image of Mary as she appeared in real life.

    1. There is no under-sketch or under-drawing on the image.

    Infrared photography has demonstrated that the re is no sketching on the image whatsoever. Dr. Philip Callahan, a research biophysicist from the University of Florida explains: "It is inconceivable that an artist in the 16th Century would paint a portrait without first doing a drawing on it." Making an under-sketch prior to painting a portrait goes back to antiquity. Such an exquisite depiction on textile made from cactus fiber is inexplicable given the lack of sketching.

    2. The image has lasted and shows no signs of deterioration.

    Juan Diego's tilma is made of a rough cactus fiber which normally disintegrates in 15 to 30 years. Yet, the image of Guadalupe has remained intact for 484 years without fading or cracking. Moreover, it was subjected to candle smoke for many years, which should have accelerated the process of deterioration.

    In 1778, a worker accidentally spilled strong nitric acid onto a large portion of the image. To everyone's astonishment, only slight stains appeared which can still be seen in the upper right side. Additionally, in 1921 a bomb concealed in some flowers was placed on the altar directly under the image. When the bomb detonated, the marble altar rail and windows 150 feet away were shattered, a brass crucifix was twisted out of shape, but the image was left unharmed.

    3. The stars that appear on the image are astrologically correct.

    In 1983 Dr. Juan Homero Hernandez and Fr. Mario Rojas Sánchez discovered that the stars on the image correspond precisely to the constellations of the winter sky on December 12th, 1531. Incredibly, the constellations are shown as viewed from outside the heavens, in other words in reverse. It is as if we have a picture from someone looking at it from outside the universe, it is a snapshot of heaven and earth from the very moment that Juan Diego saw Our Lady.

    Also, the constellation Virgo, representing virginal purity, appears over the area of Mary's heart signifying her immaculate and virginal purity, and the constell ation Leo the lion is over her womb. The lion represents Jesus Christ, because Christ is the lion of the tribe of Judah. This emphasizes that Christ the King is present in Mary's womb. The perfect placement of stars in their various constellations illustrates the infinite intelligence behind the miraculous image.

    Our Lady of Guadalupe's eyes 4. Mary's eyes are astonishingly life like.

    Of all the characteristics of the image, this is perhaps the most astounding. The microscopic likeness of a bearded man was discovered in the pupils of the Virgin; first in 1929, and again in 1951. The bearded man corresponds to contemporaneous pictures of Juan Diego. No human painter could have foreseen putting infinitesimally small images of Juan Diego in the eyes of the Virgin so that later advances in human technology could detect them. Furthermore, it is impossible for any human to have painted the images because they are simply too miniscule to produce. Jose Aste Tonsmann, a Peruvian ophthalmologist, examined Mary's eyes at 2,500 times magnification. He was able to identify thirteen individuals in both eyes at different proportions, just as a human eye would reflect an image. It appeared to be the very moment Juan Diego unfurled the tilma before Bishop Zumárraga.

    Dr. Jorge Escalante Padilla a surgical ophthalmologist considers these reflections to belong to the type which have been described by Cherney on the back surface of the cornea and by Watt & Hess at the center of the lens. Such reflections are very difficult to detect. Dr. Escalante also reported the discovery of small veins on both of the eyelids of the image. In the 1970s, a Japanese optician who was examining the eyes fainted. Upon recovering he stated: "The eyes were alive and looking at him." [Janet Barber, Latest Scientific Findings on the Images in the Eyes, page 90.] Incredibly, when Our Lady's eyes are exposed to light, the retinas contract. When the light is withdrawn, they return to a dilated state.

    5. Mary assumes a different ethnicity depending on one's vantage point.

    It is remarkable that at one distance Our Lady appears to be a Native American, but at another distance she appears of European descent. This miraculous feature is meant to show the unity of the two peoples and the two cultures in light of the true faith of Christ. Mary implored the peoples of the New World to live as one.

    Dr. Philip Callahan explains that the image achieves this effect of appearing to be different colors at different distances by a trait that is only seen in nature:

    At a distance of six or seven feet the skin tone becomes what might best be termed Indian olive, grey green in tone, it appears somehow the grey and caked looking white pigment of the face and the hands combines with the rough surface of the un-sized hue, such a technique would be an impossible accomplishment in human hands, it often occurs in nature however, in the coloring of the bird feathers and butterfly scales and on the elytra of brightly colored beetles.

    This change in color at different distances occurring in nature happens on the tilma in a miraculous way. The pigment combines with the rough surface of the cloth to impart alternating colorations. No human artist can duplicate this effect. Such evidence strongly suggests the image was fashioned by a divine hand.

    6. The image is always 98.6°F; the temperature of the human body.

    The sixth miraculous feature concerning the image is its temperature. It is a demonstrable fact that no matter what the surrounding temperature, season, or weather, the image remains at an even 36.5°C or 98.6°F, the normal temperature of the human body. [Janet Barber, The Tilma and Its Miraculous Image.]

    Also, Dr. Carlos Fernandez del Castillo, a Mexican gynecologist, after carefully examining the tilma and the image of the pregnant Madonna concluded that the dimensions of her body were that of an expectant mother at the end of gestation.

    7. How the native Indian population interpreted t he image of Our Lady. The indigenous Indian population recognized in the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe specific signs that Christianity was superior to other belief systems, including their own. As recorded by Fr. Harold Romm in, Am I Not Here, page 56:

    The Indians saw something in the image of Our Lady that the Spaniards did not comprehend. In that period, the Indians did their writing in hieroglyphics, so to them the image was a hieroglyphic letter. The fact that the natives read the image is most important in understanding the purpose of Our Lady's apparitions. To the Indians the image depicted a beautiful lady standing in front of the sun, a sign to them that she was greater than the sun god Huitzilopochtli whom they worshiped; the crescent or the moon beneath her feet showed that their moon god Tezcatlipoca was less than nothing since she was standing on it; the stars they thought so much of were only a part or portion of her mantle. At her throat was a brooch with a small black cross in the center reminding them that this was the emblem of the Spanish Friars and there was one greater than she.

    The intelligence that constructed the image of Guadalupe conveyed exactly the message that the Indians needed to hear and to see to abandon their false notions of God and their idolatrous practices. It is infinitely insightful, well beyond anything humans could imagine. Reading the image caused millions of Indians to convert to the Catholic faith.

    8. A 2007 miracle emphasizes Our Lady as the Patroness of the Unborn.

    Among Our Lady of Guadalupe's many designations, she is venerated as the patroness of the unborn. The image shows Mary as pregnant with Christ. She is an unmistakable witness to the sanctity of life and the protection of the unborn.

    On April 24, 2007, an unusual luminosity in the famed image of Mary at the Shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico City immediately after that city legalized abortion became visible. According to one account: "At the end of the Mass, which was offered for aborted children... While many of the faithful were taking photographs of the tilma of Tepeyac, exposed and venerated in the Basilica... the image of the Virgin began to erase itself, to give place to an intense light which emanated from her abdomen, constituting a brilliant halo having the form of an embryo. Below, centered and enlarged, one can appreciate the location of the light which shone from the stomach of the Virgin and is not a reflection, or [otherwise] an artifact."

    Engineer, Luis Girault, who studied the picture and confirmed the authenticity of the negative, was able to specify that it had not been modified or altered, i.e: by superimposition of another image. He determined that the image does not come from any reflection, but originates from inside Mary. The produced light is very white, pure and intense, different from habitual photographic lights produced by flashes. The light, encircled with a halo, appears to float inside Mary's abdomen. The halo has the form and measurements of an embryo. If we again examine the picture by making it turn in a sagittal plane, we perceive inside the halo some areas of shade that are characteristic of a human embryo in the maternal womb.

    9. The Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the miraculous roses.

    The Spanish rulers of the native population were brutal, and war between them seemed inevitable. In 1531, the archbishop of Mexico City, Juan de Zumárraga prayed to Our Lady for peace. As a sign that h is petition would be granted, he asked to receive roses native to his home region of Castile, Spain.

    Our Lady told Juan Diego to present Bishop Zumárraga her request that a church be built for her on the hill of Tepeyac (now part of Mexico City) where people could receive God's grace. Bishop Zumárraga was skeptical of Diego's account and asked that Our Lady produce a sign verifying her identity.

    That afternoon, Mary told Juan Diego to return the following day (December 11th) and she would provide proof. That night, however, Diego's uncle became deathly ill, and Diego never returned. Early the morning of December 12th, Diego journeyed to Tlatleloco to find a priest so his uncle could confess his sins before dying. In doing so, he passed Tepeyac Hill. Afraid Mary would interrupt his errand, he went to the other side of the hill, but Our Lady came to meet him.

    Mary assured Diego his uncle would recover. She told him to go to the top of the hill and gather the flower s there. Diego discovered, growing in the frozen earth, a miraculous garden of castilian roses not native to Mexico. Diego brought them to Mary, who arranged them in his tilma, with instructions that he take them to the bishop. Before Bishop Zumárraga, Juan Diego opened his cloak. The roses fell to the floor revealing the image of Mary. The Bishop's prayers had been answered.

    10. Mary's conversion of millions counteracted Luther's Reformation.

    Our Lady's urgent message was one of faith, hope and comfort to the indigenous population oppressed by their Spanish overseers. In a matter of months, she ended the Aztec culture's cult of death. The Aztec religion involved human sacrifice on an unthinkable scale. In the decade following her appearance, ten million Indians converted to Catholicism, creating a vibrant community of faith that persists to the present day.

    In Europe, the Protestant Reformation raged, dividing the Church and causing millions to turn to Pr otestantism. At the moment that millions in Europe were being torn from the Church founded by Christ, God was arranging for twice as many in the New World to be brought into it. By divine Providence, Our Lady was creating unity and a wellspring of deep devotion among the faithful in Mexico. Her words to Juan Diego, "My dear child. Am I not here, I, who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms?", made him, and his fellow Indians, in every way the Spaniards equals in dignity.

    Source: Ten Amazing Facts About the Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe

    Sunday, December 11, 2016


    1 e-preservationscience Pigment checkers. A pigment board was prepared using a cotton/polyester fine grain canvas 320 gr/m 2 with preparation and sized (ref 569 based on titanium white and acrylic resin. Two cross-hair lines of 0.4 mm thickness (horizontal and vertical) were drawn on the canvas before the application of paint, in order to enable evaluation of the pige-ps, 2016, 13, 1-6 ISSN: web edition ISSN: print edition e-preservation Science (e-ps) is published by Morana RTD d.o.o. INFRARED TECHNICAL PHOTOGRAPHY FOR ART EXAMINATION Copyright M O R A N A RTD d.o.o. Antonino Cosentino TECHNICAL PAPER 1. CHSOS - Cultural Heritage Science Open Source, Piazza Cantarella 11, Aci Sant Antonio, Italy corresponding author: Abstract This paper discusses technical photographic methods based on the extended infrared sensitivity of a digital camera modified with the removal of the in-built hot mirror filter on the CCD or CMOS sensor, which in turn renders it sensitive to in frared light with wavelength up to approximately 1100 nm. Four methods are presented: infrared (reflected light) (IR), infrared transmitted (IRT), infrared false color (IRFC) and infrared fluorescence (IRF). The procedures and the equipment are discussed using examples from case studies and prepared samples. 1 Introduction The transparency of pigments in the infrared range was noticed already in the 1930 s using infrared photographic films, but their sensitivity was only up to 900 nm, and most of the pigments could not be penetrated at very near IR wavelengths. R. J. van Asperen de Boer 1 discovered in the 1960 s that Vidicon cameras could take advantage of a much farther infrared range, until about 2200 nm, and they remained the best infrared detector for art examination until the development of InGaAs cameras 2 which are sensitive up to 1700 nm. CCD imaging sensors cover the range only up to about 1100 nm, but their affordability and significantly higher resolution has made them a n attractive alternative to infrared reflectography (IRR) 3 performed with either Vidicon or InGaAs cameras. Nowadays, the term infrared photography (IR) indicates the examination performed with digital cameras. This method has been explored from the beginning of the first decade of the 21st century, and IR imaging has been used in many cultural heritage related fields such as fine arts 4-5, wall paintings 6 and archaeology 7. The CMOS and CCD imaging sensors of the photographic digital cameras respond both to the near infrared and near ultraviolet ranges of the spectrum ( about nm) and camera manufacturers install an IR cut-off filter to reduce infrared transmission for general usage scenarios. The full spectrum modification consists of the removal of this filter and it is performed by specialized companies, widely spreading the access to this examination tool. This paper illustrates technical photographic methods for art examination that take advantage of the extended sensitivity of full spectrum modified digital camera into the infrared region. Specifically, this paper discusses infrared (reflected light) (IR), infrared transmitted (IRT), infrared fluorescence (IRF) and infrared false color (IRFC).The advantage of using a full spectrum digital camera is that the same camera can be used also for other techniques, such as ultraviolet photography 8,9 and multispectral imaging Experimental received: 09/02/2015 accepted: 17/12/2015 key words: infrared photography, infrared fluorescence, infrared transmitted, infrared false color 1

    2 wavelengths. The IR images presented in this study were acquired with the Heliopan 1000 filter. Before proceeding with the technical aspects of each of the IR techniques, issues common to all of them and closely inherent to the acquisition and editing of images in the near infrared range ( nm) are discussed. Figure 1: 54 pigments have been tested on two opaque boards laid with gum arabic and egg tempera and on canvas with pigments laid using linseed oil. ment transparency in the IR. The lines were then fixed with an acrylic resin (Maimeri # 675). Eventually, the canvas was covered with a cardboard matte printed with the pigments names and codes. This pigment checker allowed the transmittance of 54 pigments to be verified with infrared photography. Two other pigment boards with the same pigments laid with gum arabic and egg tempera on a opaque cardboard support were also used for IRFC and IR imaging (Figure 1). Lighting. Infrared light can be provided by halogen lamps with emissi on that approximates a black body radiation and follows Plank s law 13. Commercial halogen bulbs provide enough infrared for most applications if heating is not an issue. For subjects particularly sensitive to heat, and for shooting in working environment that must be kept cool, LEDs and flash lights can be used. LEDs are available at different wavelengths in the infrared region (750, 850, and 940 nm). The 940 nm LEDs are preferred because they reach to the edge of the full spectrum camera sensitivity in the infrared region and allow the user to take advantage of the increased transparency of the pigments in this region. It must also be mentioned that white light LEDs have an infrared component, but this is much less intense than that provided by the IR LEDs. Flash lights have a sufficient IR infrared component and they are preferred when exposure must be rapid such as for the RTI technique 14,15 (Figure 2). The only issue with the flash lights is that the infrared light provided ma y not be sufficient for large objects and, in contrary to halogen lamps, with the flash lights the exposure may not achieve enough illumination. Consequently, the power of the strobe lights should match the dimension of the object. Other advantages of the strobe light are the possibility to use them for the VIS photography and to easily polarize them. Calibration. The infrared technical photography images presented in this paper were taken using a Nikon D800 DSLR (36 MP, CMOS sensor) digital camera modified to be full spectrum (about nm). It is recommended to tether the camera to a computer for sharper focusing using live-view mode. For the purpose of this work the American Institute of Conservation Photo Documentation (AIC PhD) target 16 was used to adjust the white balance for visible photography, which is necessary for editing the infrared false color images. The camera has been calibrated with the X-rite ColorChecker Passport and its bundled software since, due to differences in technologies and variables in manufacturing processes, every camera captures colors a bit differently. Registration. In the workflow for technical photographic documentation of art works, it is recommended to acquire all the images maintaining the same position for both the camera and the subject in order to shoot photos that overlap each other spatially. This procedure facilitates the comparison between images since they can be uploaded as layers of a single image file into a photo editing software. The images can then be studied by switching between the layers and making observations based on interpretations from of all of them. Unfortunately, the images acquired in the infrared region and the ultraviolet region do not overlap the corresponding visible images, because visible and infrared light feature different optical paths inside standard photographic lenses. Consequently, it is necessary to refocus the lens anytime a new infrared photo is taken after a visible one and then re gister the Figure 2: IR images can be acquired with studio flashes or halogen lamps. Filters. There are infrared cutoff filters for all the infrared ranges where a modified camera is sensitive. Among the most common filters used are the ones that allow the infrared over 780, 800, 850, 900 and 1000 nm to pass. The only filter recommended for studies of pigments is the 1000 nm filter, since pigments become more transparent at higher infrared Figure 3. The cross-hair stickers placed at the corners of the painting allow to easily rescale the IR image and register it over the VIS photo. 2

    3 by M O R A N A RTD d.o.o. infrared images over the visible photo. Registration is the term used in imaging science to indicate the process of transforming an image in order to overlap a reference image of the same scene but taken with different sensor or other conditions. In the technical photography workflow the VIS image represents the reference and the other images must overlap it. Images such as ultraviolet photography (UVF) don t need any registration since the only parameter changed is the lighting. On the other hand, registration of the IR images is mandatory because the different focusing causes a change of the borders of the scene photographed. This procedure can be realized with a software tool for automatic registration or manually. The refocusing causes a change of the scene which can be corrected with simple rescaling. It is recommended to apply four cross-hair stickers at the corners of the paintings (Figure 3). The stickers can be used as references to rescale the IR image over the VIS. If no other misplacement of the camera and the subject has taken place, this procedure usually provides adequate registration. The cross-hairs must be drawn with an ink, which absorbs in IR, such as carbon based ink; otherwise they disappear in the infrared images. On the other hand, the refocusing issue could be solved using an expensive apochromatic lens that guarantees focusing across the UV, VIS and IR, such as the Coastal Optical 1:4 Apochromatic Macro 60 mm lens. Editing. The Nikon D800, like most digital color cameras, features a CMOS imaging detector whose photosensors do not distinguish the wavelength of the incoming light and are covered with a CFA (color filter array) composed of tiny color filters to select only red, green or blue light. The CFA color filters are largely transparent to IR, with the green filters absorbing more of the IR light than the other two, resulting in the purple color of the infrared photos. It is preferred to edit the infr ared images to B/W because it is easier and more effective to read grey tones and liken them to their traditional appearance in infrared films. Consequently, the editing of the infrared raw photos are desatureted in order to remove the color component. Hot spots. These are bright circles in the center of the infrared images which usually become more evident at high f-number. Hot spots can be caused by the coatings inside the lens barrel, the lens elements, and the interaction between the lens elements and the imaging sensor. An online database of lenses 17 tested for hot spots showed that all of the standard photographic lenses are affected at the highest f-number and only the Coastal Optical Apochromatic Macro 60 mm lens doesn t show hotspots at any f-number. There are other resources on the web providing qualitative information on lenses for infrared photography and hot spots Results and Discussion This paper illustrates 4 infrared photographic methods which can be realized using a full spectrum modified digital camera. Figure 4 illustrates the set-up of the equipment (camera, lighting and filters) and the subject for the infrared photographic methods discussed. 3.1 Infrared (IR) The camera and the lights stand in front of the subject, usually two lamps are used, one on each side, at less than 45 degrees to reduce reflection (Figure 4). In addition to the raw image desaturation done to render the image in B/W, the photo is also exposure corrected using the AIC Photo Documentation target photographed in the scene to have for the N8 grey patch RGB value 100 ± 5. Infrared photography is useful to detect underdrawing and overpainting thanks to the infrared transparency of most pigments 19. In an infrared image we are interested in the contrast between a bright and reflective ground layer and the drawing made with ink or paint which absorbs the infrared, such as a carbon based pigment (Figure 5). But if the drawing was realized with an infrared transparent paint there is no contrast with the ground layer and the drawing cannot be detected. Infrared photography can be coupled with other techniques creating a synergy which works to increase their capabilities, such as RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) and panoramic photography 20,21. The VIS and IR images can be blended 22,23 to better read the underdrawing in relation to the actual painted figures and to compare a painting with the underpaints, highlighting changes between the original composition and the final version (Figure 6). Figure 4: Equipment set up for each infrared photographic method. 3

    4 Figure 5: Infrared photography reveals underdrawing thanks to the contrast between the infrared light reflected by the ground and that absorbed by the drawing. IRT often provides a better reading of the underdrawing and underpainting. In particular it is effective for highly reflective pigments, such as lead white and titanium white. These very important white pigments in art, are the most used, respectively, before and after about Their hiding power is barely affected by infrared light, and since they strongly reflect light they don t produce a contrast with the ground and the underdrawing. On the other hand, if the infrared radiation comes from the back, the underdrawing becomes apparent (Figure 8, 9). 3.3 Infrared False color ( IRFC) Figure 6: Sicilian cart piece (Masciddara), 1920 s. The infrared photo reveals the sketched frame drawn to transfer the composition. The Luminosity blending mode of VIS and IR images allows us to read the drawing in the context of the actual pain ting colors. Courtesy of Master Domenico di Mauro, Aci Sant Antonio (Sicily). The Infrared False Color image is created by digitally editing the VIS and IR images of the same subject. Figure 10 shows the editing of the VIS and IR images of a wall painting in Assoro (Sicily) 25 into the IRFC image. The resulting blue IRFC color of the green drapery suggests malachite (Figure 11). IRFC is helpful to detect retouches and for the tentative identification of pigments. While IRFC does not provide conclusive results; it is recognized as a valid tool to select areas of interest for further analytical studies. A standard method to edit the IRFC images has been proposed 19, where the AIC PhD target serves to calibrate the exposure of both the VIS and IR images before they are mixed. The grey patches are identified by the following designations 3.2 Infrared Transmitted (IRT) Figure 7: IRT from the front (IRT) is generally preferred since the image of the underdrawing is resolved better than th rough the canvas (IRT canvas). This method 24 can be applied to paintings on canvas or other translucent supports, such as paper and parchment. In the case that the lighting can be effectively shielded, and no infrared light is diffused in the examination room, then the camera faces the painting s front. It is preferred to face the front of the painting if possible because the drawing lines will appear sharper since the infrared light will not be diffused by the canvas (Figure 7). Figure 10. To create the IRFC image the VIS green (G) and red (R) channels become respectively the IRFC blue (B) and green (G) channels. The IRFC red (R) channel is represented by the IR image. Detail, wall paintings. Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Assoro (Sicily). Figure 8: IRT allows us to detect the underdrawing below otherwise opaque white pigments. Figure 9: Underdrawing becomes more visible in IRT. Examples of blue (azurite), yellow (orpiment), green (green earth) and red (vermilion) pigments. F igure 11: Pigments of the same color feature a different IRFC color if they behave differently in the infrared. Malachite absorbs infrared, red, and blue light. Consequently, only its green component participates in the IRFC image, providing a final blue IRFC color for malachite. On the other hand, viridian additionally reflects the infrared and consequently its IRFC is the additive result of the red and blue channels, making it appear purple. 4

    5 by M O R A N A RTD d.o.o. (white to black): white; N8; N6.5; N5; N3.5; and black. The images are then exposure corrected using the N8 neutral grey patch (150 +/- 5 for VIS and 100 +/- 5 for IR). False color images can be also acquired with specialized filters, such as the XNite BP1 (the images are indicated with the acronym BP1). This filter transmits visible light in the range nm and infrared after 800 nm and it can be used as an alternative to the IRFC method but with significant limitations. Digital color cameras feature CCD or CMOS imaging detectors whose photosensors cannot distinguish the wavelength of the incoming light and are covered with a CFA (color filter array) to select only red, green or blue light. The CFA is transparent to the infrared transmitted by the XNite BP1 and the photosensors can detect it. The photo that is obtained with XNite BP1 would have the infrared light contributing more to the red channel, since the far red has been cut out by the filter itself and therefore the infrared light is the only one that can contribute to the red channel. This filter provides images that are analogous to the IRFC because the infrared and visible lights are blended together and thus the BP1 is capable to distinguish between paints which feature different infrared reflectance. Compared to typical IRFC, BP1 is less effective since the infrared is also detected by the blue and green photosensors reducing the capacity to render pigments with different false colors (Figure 12). The advantage of BP1 over IRFC is that no editing is needed. Therefore, this method is much faster and it is particularly useful for the study of large artworks, such as mural paintings, since their documentation with IRFC Figure 12: Madonna and four Angels. IRFC highlights the retouches better than BP1. would require the laborious editing of numerous VIS and IR images. Another issue with the BP1 filter is that the images obtained are always a bit blurred, the actual amount dep ending on overall exposure parameters (aperture and distance). A standard lens can focus only one spectral range at a time, visible or infrared. Therefore, if focusing is fine in the visible range, the infrared would be out of focus. This issue can be solved using an apochromatic lens, but for the examination of objects at longer distances and with sufficient illumination, the use of a small f-number can minimize the defocusing. The BP1 filter has been tested on a collection of 54 historical pigments laid with egg tempera (Figure 13). The method distinguishes pigments with a different infrared response, such as malachite and verdigris (both absorb infrared), from the other greens (which reflect the infrared) (Figure 14). 3.4 Infrared Fluorescence (IRF) Some molecules and minerals 26 (among them mineral pigments) exhibit Infrared Fluorescence. This phenomenon is analogous to ultraviolet fluorescence where a beam of ultraviolet light induces emission of visible light. In the case of I nfrared Fluorescence, a beam of visible light generates an infrared emission (Figure 15). Vis i ble LED lamps have a weak infrared com po nent (between about nm) that contributes noise to the infrared flu o res cence pho to. However, the infrared component can be filtered out by applying the X-Nite CC1 fil ter on the LED lamp (Cree LED 3000K 550 LUMEN). Among his tor i cal pigments Egypt ian blue, cad mium red, cad mium yel low and cadmium green exhibit infrared flu o res cence. The first pub li ca tion on the appli ca tion of IRF to art, specifi cally to iden tify cadmium-based pig ments, goes back to the Infrared flu o res cence pho tog ra phy is used in archae ol ogy to detect even tiny frag ments of the pig ment Egypt ian blue 28. The infrared filter on the camera is the same Heliopan 1000 because the IRF emission of cadmium pigments and Egyptian blue occurs at long infrared wavelengths 29,30, and it is preferred to keep the same filter for all the infrared methods in order to a void any problems with alignment. The 800 nm IR filter, such as the B+W 093 filter, represents an alternative. Its transmittance does not exceed Figure 13: Pigments checker collection of 54 historical pigments laid with egg tempera. Figure 14: Swatches of malachite, verdigris, phthalo green and viridian. Both IRFC and BP1 can differentiate the two historical green pigments (malachite and verdigris) from the modern phthalo green and viridian. Figure 15: Ultraviolet and Infrared Fluorescence can both be described as a phenomenon where a specific light is input and another longer wavelength light is output. 5

    6 1% until 800 nm, but increases to 88 % at 900 nm. This filter would be recommended for large subjects because it also allows the near infrared fluorescence emission to be collected, and therefore it will shorten the otherwise long exposures occurring with the Heliopan 1000 filter. However, it is important to note that in this case the residual infrared component from the LED lamp will become important and will pollute the image unless it is filtered out with the XNite CC1. In order to correct the exposure for IRF photography it is recommended to add a swatch of cadmium red to the AIC photo Documentation target. The red cadmium swatch should have an RGB 30 ± 5. The AIC target also allows us to verify that no infrared light is polluting the scene, since all of its swatches should be dark, except the cadmium red one. 4 Conclusions Four photographic methods for art examination based on the infrared sensitivity of a full spectrum modified digital camera were illustrated. 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